Main areas

of work of the foundation

«Do what you can with what you have, where you are»
To those affected, who currently cannot cook for themselves due to the lack of electricity and water in the kitchens of Kharkiv and Kherson.
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People who find themselves in difficult situations. Our call center receives over 500 calls a day requesting assistance

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bout the needs of the population, continuously delivering packages with humanitarian aid, namely: food and hygiene products, and children's kits.
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We are ready to provide assistance as long as it's needed. Get involved in good deeds! Together we will make this world better!
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We are looking for partners all over the world. We are ready to consider all proposals and jointly find ways to solve the problems of the affected Ukrainians
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Copy please banking details of our fund that are most convenient for you to help in hryvnia, euro, dollar or cryptocurrency. Your contribution matters.
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Become one of us
We really need people ready to help. If you have a resource you’d like to share and want to support those in need, please, call us. Thank you for your concern.
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