Children's programChildren's program

Officially, the heating season in Ukraine should begin on October 15th. According to the information provided by the leadership of the Kharkiv region, it will be possible to maintain the temperature in the houses only up to 16 degrees. Also, many families with children in our region are internally displaced persons (IDPs) and have been resettled in houses that are not connected to the centralized heating system. Such circumstances carry the risk of hypothermia of the child's body, which can lead to tragic consequences.

The use of electric blankets can make life much easier for many children in the Kharkiv region during the cold months.

Stages of the project

Warm for children

1. Selection of technical characteristics

Having considered European manufacturers of electric blankets with the necessary certificates and profiles of electrical safety, we found the most optimal and affordable blankets.

2. Purchase of necessary equipment

All blankets for warming the affected children in the cold season will be procured through a tender process. Delivery will be carried out by our employees of the logistics group.

3. Fundraising for project implementation

The cost of the project is 1,080,000 euros, which includes the purchase of electric blankets for each child to provide assistance to 15,000 affected children.

4. Risks and dealing with them

Temporary lack of electricity - our project "Preparation for winter" provides for alternative types of heating and "winter first aid kits" with ordinary blankets.

5. Intermediate control

Photo and video recording of each transfer of the blanket (we record the name, passport number of the parents, the child's birth certificate and other data of the beneficiary with his signature).

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